For The Love of Improv
Once upon a time, there were some adults adulting – working, pushing buttons, scrolling their lives away. Suddenly, one of them said, “Hey! Let’s play!” And so they made stuff up and they played. “Yes, And… For The Love of Improv, let’s keep playing together, forever!” they declared and skipped, hopped and summersaulted into the sunset. For The Love of Improv is a podcast dedicated to adults who are interested in discovering the freedom of play – making stuff up, talking in a silly voice, moving your elbow weird, dancing like a monkey, laughing, pretending.
Podcasting since 2019 • 13 episodes
For The Love of Improv
Latest Episodes
Stage Acting in Improv
To be or not to be? That is the question that William Shakespeare asked, but in this 7th episode of Season 2 of For The Love of Improv, we are asking: To act or not to act in improv?! Amelia Giles, improv teacher and player at Reno Improv is th...
Season 2
Episode 7

Where Stand Up and Improv Meet
What does Stand-up comedy and improv have in common? Well, let’s break it down. If one is the loneliest number, carry the two for duo improv, multiply by an improv team of 7 and divide and conquer. What do you get? Um….a really weird math probl...
Season 2
Episode 5

Improv As It's Own Artform with Lisa Woods
This episode will focus on Improv as an ongoing artform. Speaking with Lisa Woods who has delved into nearly every class that has been available to her in all different types of improv, Lisa takes her craft seriously. We at For The Love of Impr...
Season 2
Episode 4

Clowning & Improv with Chad Damiani
Improv and clowning have gone hand in hand for centuries, even before improv as we know it in America was invented. Tonight we will speak with world renowned clown, Chad Damiani about how improv affects clowning and what improvisers can learn f...
Season 2
Episode 3

Improv in Real Life with Joe Van Haeke
Your life is one big improv stage and you get to play any character you want. In any given situation, most of us are just making it up as we go anyway. Why not make improv off-stage as fun as it is on stage? From supporting your scene partner, ...
Season 2
Episode 2