For The Love of Improv
Once upon a time, there were some adults adulting – working, pushing buttons, scrolling their lives away. Suddenly, one of them said, “Hey! Let’s play!” And so they made stuff up and they played. “Yes, And… For The Love of Improv, let’s keep playing together, forever!” they declared and skipped, hopped and summersaulted into the sunset. For The Love of Improv is a podcast dedicated to adults who are interested in discovering the freedom of play – making stuff up, talking in a silly voice, moving your elbow weird, dancing like a monkey, laughing, pretending.
For The Love of Improv
Courtney Ropp | Finding What The Scene Needs
Jesi Wicks & Katie Welsh
Season 1
Episode 6
Courtney offers some tools and tricks to use on stage when a scene falls flat, gets stuck in negotiation or is just plain boring. We also discuss how to know when to add something or when it’s a good idea to just leave a scene alone. When one of us royally messes up an improv game (what? there are no mistakes in improv, I say!), we talk about the very fundamental improv concept of “listen and respond” and turn the clock back to 1974 when John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd became a strong improv duo. We hope you can join us on our 6th episode of “For The Love Of Improv”!
Visit ForTheLoveOfImprov.com for more!